Showing 31 - 40 of 627 results
Health systems and providers continue to face ongoing challenges associated with delivering high-quality, cost-effective care while balancing decreasing reimbursements and new value-based payment mod... read more
Managing, let alone changing, your organization’s block schedule might feel as intimidating as the thought of diving with sharks. But don’t let it scare you; the benefits far exceed the risks. It’s t... read more
A growing number of hospitals and health systems are taking the critical step of engaging physicians in evaluating preference items to a new level by establishing a medical director of supply chain. ... read more
We have seen the significant effects of COVID-19 on our country’s most vulnerable populations, amplifying existing health disparities. We have also seen hospitals and health systems continue and expa... read more
The growing use of virtual technology during the COVID-19 pandemic is not just confined to advances in patient care via telemedicine. Companies also pivoted to virtual options to conduct business, in... read more
During COVID-19, you’ve lived the stories and heard of others—hospitals reprocessed supplies marked “single use only.” Personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masks and gloves were in extremely s... read more
Whether you are a new employee or a seasoned professional with a new boss, taking time to consider three elements of "managing up" can help you establish trust and create an optimal working... read more
Whether you are a hospital administrator, a physician, a nurse, or other member of your hospital’s family,you know well the true north of our daily purpose is to provide quality health care to patien... read more
Are you a clinical leader, new accreditation professional or someone who is tired of performing the traditional “audit” to evaluate regulatory compliance? There has to be a better way, right? There i... read more
As hospital supply chain departments evolve, they likely will have driven out most all operating expenses in the traditional spend categories. To continue to achieve the savings target supply chain d... read more