News release

Vizient shares feedback with CMS on key Medicare policies

Quality & clinical operations
Profitable growth

IRVING, Texas, September 10, 2024 – Yesterday, Vizient, Inc. submitted comments on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) CY 2025 Medicare Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) and Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) proposed rules.

In our OPPS comments, Vizient reiterated concerns about the payment rate, as previously noted in comments to CMS, and urged CMS to consider a more substantial increase for CY 2025 to better support hospitals' financial stability.

"Vizient continues to express concern regarding the adequacy of Medicare reimbursement," said Shoshana Krilow, senior vice president of public policy and government relations for Vizient. "Without a more substantial increase, hospitals risk significant financial strain that could negatively impact patient care. We strongly urge CMS to provide a more significant increase to reimbursement rates for CY 2025."

In addition, Vizient provided feedback in response to CMS's request for information on improving the Overall Hospital Quality Star Rating, offering recommendations on methodology changes to make the ratings more meaningful for patients and urging CMS to reconsider the feedback previously shared regarding the Star Ratings. Also, Vizient urged CMS to consider providing incentives and resources to support maternal health, rather than taking a more extreme approach of imposing Conditions of Participation, as the agency proposed.

In addition to our OPPS comments, Vizient responded to the CY 2025 PFS proposed rule, expressing concern over the declining conversion factor, which would further strain providers financially. Vizient urged CMS to implement policies or support legislative efforts to prevent these reductions. Among other topics, Vizient recommended that CMS reconsider its use of the Area Deprivation Index in its health equity initiatives and suggested utilizing the more comprehensive patent pending Vizient Vulnerability Index™. Consistent with prior advocacy and given several telehealth policies are set to expire at the end of 2024, Vizient also called on CMS to make several telehealth policies permanent and to support legislative efforts to maintain access to telehealth.

As CMS updates these key payment policies, Vizient appreciates the agency's acceptance of comments and requests for information, which offer stakeholders the opportunity to provide valuable insights on the impact of specific proposals on providers. Vizient remains committed to supporting providers throughout this process.

Learn more about Vizient's advocacy and public policy efforts.

About Vizient, Inc.

Vizient, Inc., the nation's largest provider-driven healthcare performance improvement company, serves more than 65% of the nation's acute care providers, including 97% of the nation's academic medical centers, and more than 35% of the non-acute market. The Vizient contract portfolio represents $140 billion in annual purchasing volume enabling the delivery of cost-effective, high-value care. With its acquisition of Kaufman Hall in 2024, Vizient expanded its advisory services to help providers achieve financial, strategic, clinical and operational excellence. Headquartered in Irving, Texas, Vizient has offices throughout the United States. Learn more at

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