Preference cards, an essential part of every perioperative services department, have long been a source of frustration for organizations, as more than 40% of card information is inaccurate. Hospitals frequently rely on manual, inconsistent processes resulting in out-of-date or incorrect cards. This can be very costly, creating inefficiencies that delay procedures and impact patient care.

Combining technology and expertise to streamline your process and sustain your improvements drives efficiency and delivers incremental value over time.

By assessing the current state, designing a custom strategy, deploying new processes supported by technology and expertise and sustaining the success, organizations can reduce costs, create efficiencies and allow clinicians to focus on delivering the best patient care.

Improved efficiency delivers significant financial and operational benefits

  • Physician_hospital_alignment_3_rgb_prp.png (Original)

    More productive clinical staff

  • Indirect_spend_trash_can_2_rgb_prp.png (Original)

    Less supply waste

  • Supply_chain_boxes_rgb_prp.png (Original)

    Reduced pull cost

  • Clock_timer_rgb_prp.png (Original)

    Faster OR turnover

  • Supply_chain_inventory_rgb_prp.png (Original)

    Standardized supplies

  • Heart_cross_rgb_prp.png (Original)

    Fewer returns

Integrating technology into your process

Vizient’s world-class software continuously monitors preference card quality, automatically generates actionable guidance and identifies savings opportunities. This helps providers reduce unwarranted clinical variation across similar procedures and create operational efficiencies. Fewer wasted supplies and room set up delays, greater billing accuracy and enhanced opportunities for standardization across procedures can all positively impact clinical outcomes and revenue.

Reactive clean-up
Proactive clean-up
Sporadic maintenance
Continuous maintenance
Ad hoc decisions
Data-driven decisions

Success stories and insights

University of Washington Medical Center

Optimizing physician preference cards supports ongoing operational efficiencies and cost savings

Physician Preference Cards: How a Small Card Can Lead to Big Savings in The Operating Room

Pursuing physician preference card optimization as a strategy to uncover hidden savings

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Connect with our experts

For more information about physician preference cards or the Vizient acquisition of PrefTech OR, contact us.
